Minisode: An Interview with "Unscripted" Author Claire Handscombe

Published: April 5, 2019, 9 a.m.


Today\\u2019s minisode give you the opportunity to \\u201cmeet\\u201d Claire Handscombe, the author of newly-released \\u201cUnscripted\\u201d. It\\u2019s a perfect read for your beach vacation!

In this \\u201cminisode\\u201d, Claire and I discuss what fangirling to the max truly is, we talk a bit about the publishing industry, cast her book, and talk about what the process is like for an author to get published for the first time.

And, as always, we\\u2019ll end with a book she wants to press into your hands, readers!

Minisode shownotes are not timestamped, but linked titles are below for you to peruse.

Unscripted by Claire Handscombe

Love, Factually (UK) or Love Understood (US) by Laura Mucha

Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton

Come To The Edge by Christina Haag

The Editor by Steven Rowley

Claire\\u2019s website (with links to all her social media!)
