52. My Unplugged Sundays Experiment

Published: Sept. 24, 2019, 10:42 a.m.


When Jesse and I first got married, we always took Sunday offline. It was a day for us to just enjoy going to church, resting, and being together as a family.

In recent years, I\\u2019ve fallen out of that practice (I\'m not even exactly sure why, but I did). In addition to going to church and volunteering at church, Sunday became a day for me to also play catchup on a lot of blogging work and emails.

This meant that I was usually working at least some hours every single day of the week. Which I don\'t recommend because it meant I rarely had a stretch of offline time for more than a few hours at a time.

My 4-Week Commitment

I could make a lot of excuses and seemingly valid reasons as to why I "needed" to work on Sunday, but I realized that working 7 days a week wasn\'t good for my soul or body or family, so I decided to try something different and make a 4-week commitment to unplug and go offline on Sundays.

In today\'s podcast episode, I share really candidly the surprising results of my experiment and how much it has changed my life. (Oh and Jesse also shares about his current morning routine and a type of chair we love. I talk about a book I finished recently and the one food I\'ve been loving in my first trimester.

In This Episode:\\xa0

[02:14] Listen in as Jesse shares about his morning routine and an outdoor chair that we love.

[06:13] I tell you about a book I recently finished that goes along so well with this podcast episode.

[09:26] Let\'s talk about my Unplugged Sundays Experiment.

[09:59] For years, I justified working on Sunday for a variety of reasons.

[11:30] \\u2026 but really it was a lack of trust in God and trying to control things in my own strength.

[13:03] Rather than making a big longterm commitment, I did a four-week-long trial of not working on Sunday.

[16:31] The benefits of the time off have been incredible. I share the different surprises that have happened along the way.

[18:06] Why I now feel so much more productive in the 6 days I do work.\\xa0

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