127. Living Out Your Calling (instead of being limited by lies) with Paul Angone

Published: June 1, 2021, 12:54 p.m.


What\\u2019s holding you back from living out your calling or doing that thing you have always dreamed of doing? Could it be lies you are believing that are holding you back from facing your fears?

Maybe you feel like that dream of yours is just too big or too out-of-reach or too impossible? If so, I think you\'ll be really encouraged by this week\'s episode of the Crystal Paine Show.

I sit down and have a conversation with Paul Agone, husband, father of four, blogger, podcaster, and author of multiple books -- including his newest book, 25 Lies Twentysomethings Need to Stop Believing.

In this episode, not only do we talk about how lies can paralyze us, but we also dive deep into Paul\'s story and he shares really honestly how he\'s found the courage and the motivation to keep doing the next right thing, keep taking the next step -- even when it felt like it wasn\'t leading anywhere and he kept hitting dead ends. His perseverance and faith in what he shared (and has lived out!) really inspired me -- and I think it will inspire you, too!

Also, I love the wisdom he drops at the very end of the episode about awkwardness. You don\'t want to miss it!

In This Episode:\\xa0

[01:19] Learn more about Paul and why he\\u2019s so passionate about dispelling lies.\\xa0

[04:09] How did he choose the 25 lies in his book?\\xa0

[05:33] Learn more about the story that he opens up the book with.\\xa0

[07:57] What does he mean that we have to \\u201cwar for hope\\u201d?\\xa0

[11:26] His advice for the person who is looking to make that first step into change.

[14:38] How did he get to where he is today?\\xa0

[18:57] Learn more about how he\\u2019s battled his own lies.\\xa0

[22:32] How do we help the next generation to skip the belief in the lies?\\xa0

[26:04] The awkward moments are when the beauty in life happens.

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