Seeds, Weeds and the Kingdom of God p2

Published: Jan. 15, 2012, 4 p.m.

God's marvelous plans just keeps on unfolding!


Seeds, Weeds and the Kingdom of God


\u201cThe enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat\u2026\u201d\xa0Mt 13: 25


There is no one amoung us more flawed than the 'perfectionist'! Incredibly enough, not even God is excepting perfection right now as He builds up His kingdom on earth. This world is a feild is a 'field' in which good things and evil must grow side by side. And God let's that happen, because He loves you!


From the Series on the Gospel of Matthew: \xa0The Rise of the Servant-King
Sermon by Pastor Rod Schorr\xa0
