Young Mom of 2 on Morning Walk with Hubby MOWED DOWN BY ALLEGED BOOZER, NO ARREST

Published: Sept. 27, 2022, 4:57 p.m.


In April 2020, Katie and John Palmer, walking in their Denison, TX neighborhood are struck from behind by an F-250. The couple is knocked about 75 feet.\\xa0 John Palmer, who suffers a broken back, crawls over to his wife, watching her take her last breath. The driver was later identified as Cory Foster, one of the Palmer\'s neighbors.\\xa0


Foster tells cops that fog and sun glare prevent him from seeing the couple. Cops push for a breathalyzer test and Foster blows a .06 BAC, but no blood test was conducted. \\xa0House Bill 558 passed after Katie Palmer\'s death. This bill ensures that drivers are blood tested when involved in any accident that causes serious bodily harm or kills a pedestrian. The legal limit in Texas, is .08 BAC.\\xa0 After questioning, a trooper takes Foster home.


A grand jury has twice declined to charge Cory Foster.\\xa0 The Palmer family has a civil suit pending against Cory Foster. A jury trial is set for October 17th.\\xa0


Joining Nancy Grace Today:

  • John David Palmer - Victim, Katie\'s Husband, Facebook: "Justice For Katie Palmer", Twitter: @for_palmer and @palmerjohndavid\\xa0\\xa0
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  • Wendy Patrick - California prosecutor, author \\u201cRed Flags\\u201d \'Today with Dr. Wendy\' on KCBQ in San Diego, Twitter: @WendyPatrickPHD\\xa0
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  • Dr. Angela Arnold - Psychiatrist, Atlanta GA,, Expert in the Treatment of Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Former Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology: Emory University, Former Medical Director of The Psychiatric Ob-Gyn Clinic at Grady Memorial Hospital\\xa0\\xa0
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  • Joe Scott Morgan - Professor of Forensics: Jacksonville State University, Author, "Blood Beneath My Feet", Host: "Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan"\\xa0
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  • Nicole Partin - Investigative Reporter, Twitter: @nicolepartin\\xa0
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