Woman uses eye drops to poison lover, steals idea from 'Wedding Crashers' movie. Is justice served?

Published: Feb. 17, 2020, 6:11 p.m.

b'Over three days, Lana Clayton laces her husband\'s drinks with eye drops, mimicking a scene from the movie, "Wedding Crashers."\\n\\nMillionaire Steven Clayton died painfully, with no way to call for help. The former nurse pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and tampering with a food or drug. What is her sentence?\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace today to discuss the case:Jason Oshins: New York Defense AttorneyCloyd Steiger: 36 years with Seattle Police Department, 22-year homicide detective & author of "Seattle\'s Forgotten Serial Killer: Gary Gene Grant"\\xa0Joe Scott Morgan: Forensics expert, Professor of Forensics at Jacksonville State University & author of "Blood Beneath My Feet"Caryn Stark: NYC Psychologist\\xa0Kristi O\'Connor: Reporter for WBTV Charlotte'