WHERE'S KELLY? Cheese shop, shoes & golf bag solve Kelly Dwyer mystery?

Published: Nov. 12, 2019, 6 p.m.

b'27-year-old Kelly Dwyer vanishes during a night out in Milwaukee. While detectives try to piece together the mystery, a cheese factory becomes the centerpiece of the investigation.\\n\\nKris Zocco makes a 160-mile trip to a cheese factory and buys a spicy pepper jack cheese. He tries to create an alibi with the trip but ends up incriminating himself. \\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace to discuss the case:Julie Rendleman- NY Defense Attorney\\xa0\\xa0Cloyd Steiger - 36- year Seattle Police Dept. Officer, 22-year Homicide Detective, & AUTHOR of "Seattle\'s Forgotten Serial Killer-Gary Gene Grant"\\xa0\\xa0Bethany Marshall-\\xa0Psychoanalyst\\xa0\\xa0Kris Sperry- Retired Chief Medical Examiner for the State of Georgia\\xa0\\xa0Levi Page- Investigative reporter at CrimeOnline'