Utah Student Meets Mystery Person in Park, Vanishes & Did Missing CT Mom Write Gone Girl Style Novel?

Published: June 25, 2019, 5 p.m.

b"Beautiful Utah college student, Mackenzie Lueck, takes a Lyft to a park in the middle of the night. She allegedly meets a mystery person, gets into their car, and vanishes.\\n\\nAnd\\n\\nThe lawyer for the husband of missing Connecticut mother of five, Jennifer Dulos, claims she wrote a 'gone girl' style novel, and implies she may have disappeared on her own.\\n\\nNancy's Expert Panel Weighs in:\\n\\nJoseph Scott Morgan: Forensics Expert\\n\\nWendy Patrick:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0Trial Attorney \\n\\nJohn Cardillo:\\xa0\\xa0Former NYPD\\n\\nDavid Mack:\\xa0\\xa0Syndicated Radio Host\\n\\nAlexis Tereszcuk: Radaronline Editor"