Urgent search for missing autistic child! Trial starts in case of teen burned alive

Published: Sept. 26, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

b'Little Maddox Ritch has been missing since he ran ahead of his father during a weekend walk in a North Carolina park. Nancy Grace and Alan Duke update the search for the non-verbal autistic boy. Nancy next looks at the retrial of the man accused of killing Jessica Chambers by setting her on fire. Experts include psychotherapist\\xa0Lauren Howard,\\xa0lawyer\\xa0Ashley Willcott, medical examiner\\xa0Dr. Jan Gorniak,\\xa0forensics expert\\xa0Joseph Scott Morgan, and reporter\\xa0Shane Deitert. Grace also shares her opinion on the sex assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. She is joined by\\xa0psychologist\\xa0Caryn Stark,\\xa0 prosecutor\\xa0Wendy Patrick,\\xa0forensics expert\\xa0Karen Smith, and\\xa0syndicated radio host Dave Mack.'