URGENT! Missing tot boy vanishes from grandma's yard, PLUS: Male nurse rapes, impregnates disabled patient [Cops]

Published: Jan. 24, 2019, 6:07 p.m.

b"Hundreds of volunteers and officers from several law enforcement agencies are combing a dense and wet forest in eastern North Carolina for signs of a little boy who vanished from his great-grandmother's backward Tuesday afternoon. Casey Hathaway's disappearance is being treated for now as a missing child case and not an abduction. Nancy Grace looks at the case with experts including Southern California prosecutor Wendy Patrick, psychologist Dr. William July, Atlanta juvenile judge & lawyer Ashley Willcott, and former detective Steven Lampley. Grace is also joined by Los Angeles defense lawyer Brian Claypool and Crime Stories reporter John Lemley to discuss the arrest of a nurse in the case of an incapacitated patient at the longterm health care who gave birth."