Tot boy shot dead in car seat after mommy shoots BIRD at driver

Published: May 24, 2021, 5:22 p.m.

b'A 6-year-old boy is dead after he was shot in an apparent road-rage attack in California. Kindergartener, Aiden Leos, was sitting in a booster seat in the back of the family\\u2019s car when another driver cut off Leos\\u2019 mother while they were in the carpool lane. She threw the other driver the finger in the rear-view mirror, according to police.\\n\\n As the mother merged into another lane, a passenger believed to have been in that other vehicle\\xa0fired a gun, striking Leos. The mother pulled over to the side of the road on northbound State Route 55 in Orange, southeast of Los Angeles. She cradled the child as he died in her arms. Investigators are searching for the other vehicle believed to be involved in the incident. It appeared to be a white Volkswagen wagon sedan, and its two occupants, a man, and a woman.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace today:Wendy\\xa0Patrick - California prosecutor, Author: \\u201cRed Flags\\u201d \'Today with Dr.\\xa0Wendy\' on KCBQ in San DiegoDr.\\xa0Jorey\\xa0Krawczyn [KRAW-ZIN] - Police Psychologist, Adjunct Faculty with Saint Leo University; Research Consultant with Blue Wall Institute, Author: Operation S.O.S. - Practical Recommendations to Help \\u201cStop Officer Suicide\\u201d (July 2021) bw-institute.comDr. Michelle\\xa0Dupre\\xa0- Forensic Pathologist and former Medical Examiner, Author: \\u201cHomicide Investigation Field Guide\\u201d & "Investigating Child Abuse Field Guide", Former Police Detective Lexington County Sheriff\\u2019s DepartmentSpencer Coursen - Founder and President: Coursen Security Group\\,\\xa0Author: "The Safety Trap: A Security Expert\\u2019s Secrets For Staying Safe in a Dangerous World",\\, Instagram: @s.coursen, Twitter: @SpencerCoursenKaren\\xa0L.\\xa0Smith\\xa0-\\xa0Forensic Expert, Lecturer at the University of Florida, Host of Shattered Souls Podcast, @KarensForensic,\\\\xa0Alexis\\xa0Tereszcuk - Investigative Reporter, Writer/Fact Checker, Lead Stories dot Com, Twitter: @swimmie2009'