Tensions mount in Tampa as killer lurks; Texas co-ed murder mystery; What's next for Charles Manson?

Published: Nov. 28, 2017, 6:13 p.m.

b"The reward for help in finding a serial killer lurking the streets of a Tampa, Florida, neighborhood is growing as police mounted on horses patrol the area in an effort to prevent a 5th killing. WFLA-TV reporter\\xa0Meredyth Censullo updates Nancy Grace on the case. She is joined by crime scene investigator\\xa0Sheryl McCollum,, Chicago psychologist\\xa0Dr. Tiffany Sanders and\\xa0RadarOnline reporter\\xa0Alexis Tereszcuk. Who killed\\xa0a Texas college student, who police say was killed as she sat in her car at an empty north Texas parking on early Sunday? Grace and her panel discuss the case of 21-year-old\\xa0Amanda Clairmont. Charles Manson's questionable soul has left his body, but there's controversy over what happens next for the cult leader's worldly remains. Nancy and friends discuss the possibilities."