Teen Jessica Chambers burned alive, flammable liquid forced down her throat. Will there be justice?

Published: June 12, 2020, 7 p.m.

b'Teen Jessica Chambers strangled and set on fire face. Two mistrials in this case so far. Will there be a third trial.The suspect in this case, Quinton Tellis, facing murder charges in another state. Will this case ever see justice? \\n\\n\\n\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace today: Darryl Cohen -\\xa0Former Assistant District Attorney, Fulton County, Georgia, Defense Attorney\\xa0 Dr Bethany Marshall - Psychoanalyst, Beverly Hills,\\xa0follow on instagram at DrBethanyMarshall Steven Lampley - Former Detective -\\xa0Author \\u201cOutside Your Door\\u201d www.stevenlampley.com Dr. Kris Sperry - Retired Chief Medical Examiner State of Georgia Michael Clark -\\xa0WIAT CBS 42, Birmingham, Al Reporter TIPLINE: (601) 948-5000'