Teen girl goes on high school trip, never seen alive again. Mom and Dad devastated. Natalee Holloway, NEW developments

Published: Jan. 27, 2020, 6:17 p.m.

b'It\'s been nearly 15 years since Natalee Holloway disappeared while on a trip with classmates to Aruba. Although the case remains unsolved, her family has never given up. Can new developments lead to her whereabouts?\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace to discuss:Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq: International Law Expert, author of "Deep State Defector I, II & III"Steven Lampley: Former Detective & author of \\u201cOutside Your Door\\u201d\\xa0Dr. Bethany Marshall: Psychoanalyst, Beverly HillsKaren Smith:\\xa0Forensics Expert,\\xa0Bare Bones Consulting\\xa0\\xa0Anne Emerson:\\xa0WCIV ABC 4 Charleston reporter'