Sisters Carla Atkins & Vickie Stout go for gum & crackers, found in shallow graves

Published: Dec. 27, 2023, 6 p.m.


Vickie Stout and Carla Sue Atkins were half-sisters.


The teens, who were extremely close with each other, share the same mother.\\xa0 were very close.\\xa0 The girls walked to a combination bait shop, restaurant, and convenience store called "The Furnace" to pick up some snacks. Witnesses report seeing the girls talking to someone in a blue pickup truck. That\\u2019s the last time anyone has seen the sisters.


In the days that followed, local law enforcement labeled the sisters as runaways. A hiker then called the police after smelling a foul odor.\\xa0


Deputies discovered the girls\\u2019 bodies about 75 feet apart, along with shotgun shells and a light blue stain found on a tree.\\xa0 The autopsy revealed a shotgun killed the girls, but their bodies were too decomposed to reveal if they\\u2019d been sexually assaulted.\\xa0


Joining Nancy Grace Today:

  • Trish Gordon - \\xa0Sister of Vickie Stout and half-sister of Carla Atkins\\xa0
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  • Amelia Courtney - Working with Trish, Co-host of the Podcast, \\u201cMurder At Land Between The Lakes;" Facebook: Murder At Land Between Lakes\\xa0
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  • Karra Porter - \\xa0Attorney, Co-founder of the Cold Case Coalition; Instagram: @ColdCaseCoalition
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  • Dr. Shari Schwartz \\u2013 Forensic Psychologist (Specializing in Capital Mitigation and Victim Advocacy); Author: \\u201cCriminal Behavior\\u201d and \\u201cWhere Law and Psychology Intersect: Issues in Legal Psychology;\\u201d Twitter: @TrialDoc"\\xa0
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  • Chris McDonough\\xa0\\u2013 Director At the Cold Case Foundation, Former Homicide Detective; Host of YouTube channel: \\u201cThe Interview Room\\u201d
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  • Dr. Tim Gallagher\\xa0\\u2013 Medical Examiner State of Florida; Lecturer: University of Florida Medical School Forensic Medicine; Founder/Host: International Forensic Medicine Death Investigation Conference
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  • Toby Wolson\\xa0\\u2013 Forensic Consultant Specializing in DNA, Serology, and Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
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  • Levi Page - Investigative Reporter\\xa0
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