Sinister Golden State serial killer walks among us, female victim who survived tells story

Published: March 14, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

b'The Golden State Killer is a\\xa0burglar, rapist serial killer who has terrorized\\xa0California for decades starting in the 1970s. One man is believed to have committed as many as 50 sexual assaults and over 10 murders. Nancy Grace explores the case with\\xa0Jane Carson-Sandler, the 5th victim and author of "Frozen in Fear: A True Story of Surviving the Shadows of Death,"\\xa0Michelle Cruz, sister of a murder victim,\\xa0Billy Jenson, an investigative journalist who completed the raw chapters of victim Michelle McNamara\\u2019s\\xa0\\u201cI\\u2019ll Be Gone in the Dark,\\u201d\\xa0Paul Haynes, a researcher on McNamara\\u2019s book, and Cold Case Research Institute director Sheryl McCollum.'