She sends 65,000 texts & sneaks into his bathtub after just one date! Claims 'Love is for Infinity'

Published: May 15, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

b'Jacqueline Ades, who is in jail on charges of stalking an Arizona man, says she thought she found her soulmate after one date. Ades sent 65,000 text messages to the man and told him she wanted to bathe in his blood. Nancy Grace discusses the case with psychologist Lauren Howard, forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan, and\\ reporter Alexis Tereszcuk. Animal expert Dr. Grey Stafford and private investigator Vincent Hill join Nancy to look at the case of a baby killed by dogs. The grandmom says she briefly left the child alone with family dogs when it happened. A California man on trial for beating his mom to death blames a Benedryl overdose for triggering his fatal rampage.\\xa0Drug addiction expert Dr. William Morrone explains how the\\xa0medicine can cause dangerous delusions.'