Sex assaulter Bill Cosby's new demand to a judge

Published: Aug. 7, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

b'Convicted sex assaulter Bill Cosby wants a judge to toss a defamation lawsuit against him because his accuser is a public figure and not a private person. The statute of limitations prevents criminal charges against Cosby for an alleged sex attack on actress\\xa0Kathrine McKee in 1974, so Mckee filed the civil suit after Cosby called her a liar when he denied the accusation. Nancy Grace talks about the Cosby case with\\xa0lawyer\\xa0Anne Bremner,\\xa0Cold Case Research Institute director\\xa0Sheryl McCollum,\\xa0lawyer\\xa0Ashley Willcott,\\xa0psychologist Caryn Stark, and\\xa0RadarOnline reporter\\xa0Alexis Tereszcuk.'