Parkland School Shooter Spared Death Penalty; Attorney Under Investigation After Flashing Middle Finger in Court

Published: Nov. 6, 2022, 5:47 p.m.


A Florida jury has recommended life in prison for teen who killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Nikolas Cruz was spared the death penalty because in Florida, the jury must unanimously agreed.\\xa0 The 12 jurors deliberated for about seven hours. Ultimately, three jurors voted against the death penalty.\\xa0 On top of the life sentence, now an attorney who represented\\xa0 Cruz is being investigated by the Florida Bar Association. While a spokesperson for the agency did not disclose the probe\'s scope, many suspect the investigation is related to the fact thatTamara Curtis was caught on camera apparently filmed flashing the middle finger in court.\\xa0 Curtis was reportedly seen raising her middle finger while rubbing her cheek, eliciting laughs from herself and Cruz. Many parents of the victims expressed the immaturity of the action.\\xa0



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