Parents Killed, Dismembered, Bodies Decomposed for Days

Published: March 10, 2023, 6 p.m.


Justin Beck is used to talking with his parents, especially his mom.


When Miriam Beck begins texting only, and not answering phone calls, Justin Beck goes to see his parents and sister to see what\'s wrong. Inside the home is a terrible odor and what looks like a body wrapped in a sheet.\\xa0


Beck talks with his sister, Verity, for nearly 30 minutes. When the police are called, Verity Beck admits her parents, Reid and Miriam Beck, are dead. Officers discover a chainsaw and human remains in trashcans, wrapped in sheets.


Joining Nancy Grace today:

  • Matthew T. Mangino - Attorney, Former District Attorney (Lawrence County), Author: "The Executioner\'s Toll: The Crimes, Arrests, Trials, Appeals, Last Meals, Final Words and Executions of 46 Persons in the United States"
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  • Caryn Stark- Psychologist, Trauma and Crime expert; Twitter:\\xa0@carnpsych
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  • Sheryl McCollum - Forensic Expert, Founder: Cold Case Investigative Research Institute in Atlanta, GA, Host of the new podcast, "Zone 7;" Twittier: @ColdCaseTips
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  • Dr. Kendall Avon Crowns - Chief Medical Examiner for Tarrant County (Ft. Worth), Lecturer for University of Texas Austin and Texas Christian University Medical School
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  • Nicole Partin - Investigative Reporter; Twitter: @nicolepartin
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