NUDE PICS IN Hollywood movie mogul RAPE TRIAL, Harvey Weinstein HOBBLES IN ON WALKER

Published: Jan. 7, 2020, 6:30 p.m.

b'More than 80 women have accused movie mogul Harvey Weinstein of sex assault and rape. As new indictments are handed down in California, across the country Weinstein in a New York courtroom defending himself on two charges.\\n\\nWith Nancy Grace today to discuss:Kathleen Murphy,\\xa0North Carolina family attorneyCloyd Steiger - 36 years Seattle Police Department, 22 years homicide detective, Author of "Seattle\'s Forgotten Serial Killer: Gary Gene Grant"\\xa0Dr. Bethany Marshall- Psychoanalyst, Beverly HillsDr. Michelle Dupre- South Carolina medical examiner & author of \\u201cHomicide Investigation Field Guide\\u201d,Dave Mack- Investigative Reporter CrimeOnline'