New Evidence Renews Mom's Search for Daughter's Killer

Published: March 7, 2023, 6 p.m.


Brittany Phillips, 18, attends Florida\'s Eckerd College on a full chemistry scholarship her freshman year, but the homesick college student returns to Tulsa to continue her education.


Within a week, the 18-year-old is dead. Phillips was found raped and strangled inside her locked apartment. Now, a letter has been found with a postmark after the date Phillips was thought to have died, sparking new hope for an arrest.\\xa0


Joining Nancy Grace today:

  • Dr. Maggie Zingman- Brittany\\u2019s mother, Trauma psychologist;\\xa0Facebook: /Mom.Missing.Brittany
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  • Matthew T. Mangino- Attorney, Former District Attorney (Lawrence County), and Author: "The Executioner\'s Toll: The Crimes, Arrests, Trials, Appeals, Last Meals, Final Words and Executions of 46 Persons in the United States"
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  • Caryn Stark- Psychologist- Trauma and Crime Expert; Twitter:\\xa0@carnpsych
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  • Sheryl McCollum - Forensic Expert & Founder: Atlanta\'s Cold Case Investigative Research Institute; Host of the new podcast, "Zone 7;" Twitter: @ColdCaseTips\\xa0 \\xa0
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  • Dr. Kendall Avon Crowns-Chief Medical Examiner for Tarrant County (Ft. Worth), & Lecturer for University of Texas Austin and Texas Christian University Medical School\\xa0\\xa0
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  • Andy Kopsa- Award-winning Investigative Reporter; Twitter: @AndyKopsa\\xa0
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