New clues in the search for kidnapped NC teen Hania Aguilar

Published: Nov. 12, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

b'Security camera video shows a man detectives suspect kidnapped\\xa0a 13-year-old girl who disappeared last week. The FBI released the video, hoping that someone might recognize the man who was\\xa0\\xa0wearing a hoodie, a light shirt, and light shoes walking toward the North Carolina home where Hania Aguilar was abducted from. Nancy Grace updates the case with\\xa0forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan, lawyer & psychologist Dr. Brian Russell, and Alan Duke. A driver who allegedly plowed into a Girl Scout troop was "huffing" chemicals just before the crash, according to police. Nancy looks at the death of 3 girls and an adult with\\xa0Sheryl McCollum -- a former president of Georgia\'s Mothers Against Drunk Drivers,\\xa0Southern California prosecutor\\xa0Wendy Patrick,\\xa0psychologist\\xa0Caryn Stark,\\xa0 lawyer\\xa0Jason Oshins,\\xa0forensics expert\\xa0Karen Smith, and\\xa0reporter\\xa0John Lemley.'