Naked woman with rose tattoo dumped on roadside.

Published: Nov. 26, 2020, 6 p.m.

b'Lily Prendergast was last seen leaving her parents\\u2019 home in Dallas, Texas. The family had argued. Lily was never heard from again. Some months later, the skeletal remains of a white female are found miles away, on the side of Interstate 5 in Sacramento County, California. For almost 40 years, the body was unidentified. In February 2020, a familial DNA match as made and Lily Ann PRENDERGAST had finally been found, but her murder is still unsolved. \\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace Today:Wendy Patrick- California prosecutor, author \\u201cRed Flags\\u201d, Host of "Live With Dr. Wendy" on KCBQ Radio\\\\xa0Dr. Bethany Marshall - Psychoanalyst, Beverly Hills,\\xa0ww.drbethanymarshall.comGreg Smith - Special Deputy Sheriff, Johnson County Sheriff\'s Office (Kansas),\\xa0Executive Director of the Kelsey Smith Foundation,\\xa0Dr. Kendall Crowns - Deputy Medical Examiner Travis County, Texas (Austin)Mike Duffy -\\xa0ABC 10 Sacramento ReporterShera LaPoint - Genetic Genealogist, The Gene Hunter,\\\\xa0\\n\\n\\nTipline:\\xa0Sacramento County Sheriff\'s Office (916) 874-TIPS (8477)'