More clues in Tampa serial killer probe; Did lawsuit loser kill attorney? Odd 911 call after murder!

Published: Oct. 27, 2017, 5:01 p.m.

b'Tampa police hope new security video will help identify a person of interest in a series of street shooting deaths in the Florida city. Nancy Grace looks at the suspected serial killer case with\\xa0forensic psychiatrist\\xa0Dr. Daniel Bober, crime scene investigator\\xa0Sheryl McCollum,\\xa0forensics expert\\xa0Joseph Scott Morgan,\\xa0WFLA-TV reporter\\xa0Meredyth Censullo, and co-host Alan Duke.\\xa0Reporter\\xa0Scott Kimbler joins Grace and her experts to discuss the shooting death of Kansas City lawyer Tom Pickert. Grace also listens to a series of unusual 911 calls connected to the stabbing death of an Ohio teacher.'