Mommy: 'I Sold My 6-y-o Boy to Stranger at Market'

Published: April 14, 2023, 6 p.m.


Last November was the last time 6-year-old Noel Rodriguez Alvarez was seen.


A tip to police prompted a wellness visit and then, Everman police and other investigators began a physical search for the boy after determining the mother gave a false story about Noel being in Mexico with his father. Turns out the father has never even met his son.


Family members also reported that Cindy Rodriguez Singh told a family member she sold him to someone at a grocery store. Singh, her new husband, and 6 other children left the US for India 3 days after the initial welfare check.\\xa0


Police now say Noel\'s stepfather disposed of a large indoor/outdoor carpet at a nearby dumpster before they left. Investigators recovered that carpet and say it was used in the makeshift shed that was later torn down to build a suspicious concrete patio.


Cadaver dogs were bought in and alerted to the topsoil, but no remains were found.


Joining Nancy Grace Today:

  • Sarah Ford- Legal Director, South Carolina Victim Assistance Network,; Former prosecutor focusing on crimes against women and children; Host of Palmetto Primetime; Twitter: @Sarahafordesq, Facebook: "SCVAN Legal Services Program"
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  • Dr. Dana Anderson- Forensic Psychologist and Forensic Expert; Twitter: @psychologydrcom, TikTok: @psychologydr\\xa0
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  • Dorian Bond - Private Detective and Owner of Bond Investigations Inc. in Dallas, TX.(largest African American-owned private investigative firm in the United States); Twitter: @bondinvestigate
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  • \\xa0Mike Hadsell - President and Founder of Peace River K9 Search and Rescue
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  • Daphne Young - National Chief Communications Officer, Child Help
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  • David Sentendrey - Reporter for FOX 4 NEWS in Dallas, TX.; Twitter: @davidsfox4\\xa0\\xa0
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