Mom ignores baby's severe bath burns; Girlfriend chops up boyfriend; Woman disappears during Graceland pilgrimage

Published: Jan. 24, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

b"A mother's first instinct when she realizes hot bath water severely burned her baby should be to call for help, but Christina Marie Hurt allegedly did nothing. Her 1-year-old son died the next day. Nancy Grace explores the case with lawyer and child advocate Ashley Willcott, private investigator Vincent Hill, psychologist Dr. Chloe Carmichael, and reporter John Lemley. Nancy and her experts also look at the case of a Florida man found murdered with his arms and legs missing. His girlfriend is charged with shooting him, chopping him into pieces before hiding his body parts miles away. \\xa0Reporter\\xa0Pamela Furr updates Nancy on the mysterious disappearance of an Ohio woman.\\xa0Her husband claims his wife died of cancer during the\\xa0during a pilgrimage to Graceland, Elvis Presley's home, but he's confused about what happened to her remains."