Mom danced while toddler starved to death; Twins go missing, but police don't search

Published: Aug. 8, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

b'A toddler starved to death while mom allegedly spent nights dancing for money in a club. Nancy Grace looks at the case against Devin Moon for the death of\\xa02-year-old Reygan. Nancy\'s expert panel includes\\xa0lawyer and psychologist Dr. Brian Russell,\\xa0private investigator Vincent Hill,\\xa0forensics expert\\xa0Karen Smith,\\xa0lawyer\\xa0Ashley Willcott, & reporter\\xa0John Lemley. Grace also looks at the cold case of twin sisters Dannette and Jeannette Millbrooks, who disappeared from their Georgia neighborhood in 1990. Their sister shares her frustration with the lack of investigation . There\'s renewed hope as podcasters Laurah Norton and Brooke Hargrove, hosts of the "Fall Line" podcast & "UnResolved" host Michael Whelan take up the case.'