Molestation, bullying at school. Protect your child, 'Don't Be A Victim'

Published: Sept. 28, 2020, 5 p.m.

b'Surveys indicate that a majority of students\\xa0in 8th through 11th grade report some kind of sexual harassment or molestation in school. What can you do when a teacher is the offender?\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace today to talk about keeping your children safe at school:Owen Lafave - Ex-husband of teacher convicted of child molestation, Debra LaFaveJason Oshins-New York Defense Attorney\\xa0Dr Roy H. Lubit MD PHD\\xa0child sex abuse expertRobbie Crispin; Private Investigator \\u201cCrispin Special Investigations\\u201d\\xa0\\xa0Dr. Tim Gallagher - Medical Examiner State of Florida website\\\\xa0Sierra Gillespie - Crime Online Investigative Reporter'