Missing tot boy miraculously found alive, soaking wet in briar patch after nearly 3-day search! PLUS: Renters facing eviction allegedly kill, stuff landlord in crawlspace

Published: Jan. 25, 2019, 6 p.m.

b"Little Casey Hathaway wandered a dense, swampy North Carolina forest for 2 days before he was rescued by searchers late Thursday. The 3-year-old went missing while playing in his grandmother's backyard on Tuesday. Nancy celebrates the boy's rescue with a panel including\\xa0victims' advocate Marc Klaas,\\xa0psycho analyst\\xa0Dr. Bethany Marshall, private investigator\\xa0Vincent Hill,\\xa0and reporter\\xa0David Deitert. Nancy also dives into the murder of a landlord allegedly murdered by renters he was attempting to evict. David Stokoe, a 40-year-old father of 4, was found dead in a crawlspace of the apartment. The panel includes\\xa0lawyer\\xa0Ashley Willcott,\\xa0forensics expert\\xa0Joseph Scott Morgan,\\xa0psychologist\\xa0Caryn Stark,\\xa0and\\xa0reporter\\xa0Robyn Walensky."