Missing Mariah's dad speaks again to Nancy; Who is Tampa's serial killer? Kim Kardashian helps child sex slave

Published: Nov. 30, 2017, 6:18 p.m.

b"The father of missing toddler Mariah Woods points a finger at his ex's boyfriend in an interview with Nancy Grace. Mariah disappeared from her North Carolina bedroom. Victims advocate\\xa0Marc Klaas,\\xa0criminal profiler\\xa0Pat Brown, and psychologist\\xa0Caryn Stark also join Grace to look at the case. WFLA-TV reporter Meredyth Censullo updates the case of the suspected Tampa serial killer.\\xa0Howell Emanuel Donaldson III is charged with 4 shooting deaths. Forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan also joins the discussion.\\xa0Grace, investigator Sheryl McCollum, psychologist\\xa0Dr. Tiffany Sanders and\\xa0 reporter Alexis Tereszcuk look at how Kim Kardashian is helping a child sex trafficking victim sentenced to prison for the death of her alleged rapist."