Is Alex Murdaugh Believable?

Published: Feb. 25, 2023, 4:24 a.m.


Alex Murdaugh\'s testimony at times seems more like a circus than a courtroom with talk of dogs, and chickens. Murdaugh first related at length how he removed a chicken from his dog\'s month and the timing of it at the kennel.\\xa0 Then under cross-examination, the accused killer went over the activities at the kennel again, in exactly detail.\\xa0 Both the defense and prosecution look to use this testimony. One side saying the information proves Alex Murdaugh could not be a killer, the other side saying the testimony shows he lied.\\xa0


Murdaugh has repeatedly admitted that he stole money from clients and loved ones. He also admitted that he lied to police. So the question now is, can a jury believe that Murdaugh is now telling the truth when he says that he did not kill his wife and son.\\xa0


Nancy Grace and Sheryl McCollum, Founder: Cold Case Investigative Research Institute, look at the possibilities.\\xa0

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