High school football star, Ahmaud Arbery, unarmed, shot dead: Shooter claims citizens arrest

Published: May 7, 2020, 6:54 p.m.

b'It\'s been more than two months since Ahmaud Arbery was gunned down as he jogged through a Brunswick neighborhood. Two armed residents chased the former football star saying they thought he was a robbery suspect, claiming citizen\'s arrest. Arbery was not armed. As he was confronted by the residents a struggle ensued and Arbery was shot in the abdomen. Family members want to know why no one has been arrested. The prosecutor says he\'ll let a grand jury decide.\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace today: Kirk Nurmi - Jodi Arias former Attorney, Author "Trapped with Ms Arias"\\xa0Psych Dr Angela Arnold - Psychiatrist, Atlanta Ga Jeff Cortese - Former FBI Special Agent,\\xa0Dr Katherine Maloney, Deputy Chief Medical Examiner, Erie County Medical Examiners office, Buffalo, New York. Levi Page - Investigative reporter Crime Online'