HEAR KILLER DAD CHRIS WATTS TINDER DATE: Watts juggles office sex and rape fantasy Tinder date, then murders pregnant wife and two baby girls

Published: Dec. 7, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

b'As Colorado killer dad Chris Watts heads to a Wisconsin prison where he will spend the rest of his life, new details emerge about his extramarital affairs and how he murdered his pregnant wife and two young daughters. Nancy Grace explores the latest with a panel of experts of experts, including\\xa0psychologist & lawyer\\xa0Dr. Brian Russell,\\xa0Atlanta juvenile judge & lawyer\\xa0Ashley Willcott,\\xa0Cold Case Research Institute director\\xa0Sheryl McCollum,\\xa0CrimeOnline.com reporter\\xa0Ellen Killoran, and\\xa0RadarOnline.com reporter\\xa0Alexis Tereszcuk.'