HEAR IT! 9-1-1 Call when baby disappears. What does it reveal? Plus man murdered over imaginary girlfriend?

Published: Oct. 16, 2017, 5:01 p.m.

b'A mother calls 911 to report her 2-week-old baby is missing. The infant was found dead in woods near her home and the father is accused of murdering of tiny Caliyah. Nancy Grace examines the 911 call with crime scene expert\\xa0Sheryl McCollum, forensics expert\\xa0Joseph Scott Morgan, psychologist\\xa0Caryn Stark and reporter Leigh Egan. A mentally ill Florida\\xa0man shot his mother\\u2019s friend\\xa0after accusing the man of hitting on his imaginary girlfriend. The shooter\\xa0was found dead after a shoot out with police. Nancy discusses the case with Morgan,\\xa0psychologist Dr. Tiffany Sanders,\\xa0forensics expert Karen Smith and\\xa0reporter John Lemley.'