Gorgeous young teacher 24-y-o shot dead. Video of shadowy figure emerges.

Published: April 15, 2020, 5:44 p.m.

b'Nancy Maga\\xf1a and four others, including a baby girl, have been gunned down in San Bernardino. That string of deaths spans a six-month period. Was this teacher the first?\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace today to discuss:Jason Oshins - New York Defense AttorneyCloyd Steiger - 36 years Seattle Police Department, 22 years Homicide detective, author of "Seattle\'s Forgotten Serial Killer-Gary Gene Grant" www.cloydsteiger.com\\xa0Joseph Scott Morgan - Professor of Forensics Jacksonville State University, author of "Blood Beneath My Feet"Dr. Bethany Marshall - Psychoanalyst, Beverly HillsAlexis Tereschuk - Investigative Journalist CrimeOnline'