Gorgeous teen girl ambushed, killed by "masked men"? WHY?

Published: April 10, 2020, 5 p.m.

b'Vanessa "Honey" Malone tell mom she\'ll be right back, she\'s going to visit some friends. Honey is found shot, her body hidden inside a closet in the friends\' home. After 8 years, a break in the case as an arrest is made. \\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace to discuss the breakthrough: Flora Malone -\\xa0Honey\'s mother Cassaundra Kennedy -\\xa0Honey\'s sister Karyn Greer - CBS 46 Atlanta News Anchor and host of\\xa0"CSI-Atlanta"\\xa0 Sheryl McCollum -\\xa0Forensics Expert & Cold Case Investigative Research Institute Founder Wendy Patrick- California prosecutor, author \\u201cRed Flags\\u201d www.wendypatrickphd.com\\xa0\\xa0Dr Bethany Marshall - Psychoanalyst, Beverly Hills, www.drbethanymarshall.com,'