Golf star murdered on golf course; Jilted girlfriend's 'sinister' stalking campaign against ex

Published: Sept. 21, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

b'Iowa State University golf star Celia Barquin Arozamena was practicing her game alone when she was murdered, allegedly by a homeless man who camped near the\\xa0golf course. Nancy Grace looks at the murder case against\\xa0Collin Daniel Richards. Nancy is joined by experts including defense lawyer Ray Giudice,\\xa0forensics expert\\xa0Karen Smith, medical examiner Dr. Jan Gorniak, and reporter\\xa0Chuck Roberts. Nancy also looks at the trial of a London woman accused of harassing her ex-lover in a \\u201csinister\\u201d stalking campaign of threatening emails and a fake pregnancy belly.\\xa0Psycho analyst Dr. Bethany Marshall, prosecutor\\xa0Kenya Johnson, and lawyer\\xa0Ashley Willcott\\xa0join..'