Glam Yoga Teacher Charged in Love Murder Insists: 'I'VE GOT AN ALIBI'

Published: Nov. 2, 2022, 6:21 p.m.


Attorneys for Kaitlin Armstrong file motions trying to keep the Austin woman\'s interview with police thrown out.\\xa0


Armstrong\'s attorneys are in essence accusing the Austin Police of violating the accused killer\'s Constitutional Rights. Attorney Rick Cofer says Armstrong was detained under false pretenses, was not read her Miranda rights, and police repeatedly ignored Armstrong\'s requests for an attorney.\\xa0 \\xa0


Cofer also says the case against Armstrong is based on a misogynistic view, with police characterizing Armstrong as a possessive, jealous woman. Cofer says as far as Armstrong\'s black SUV being at the crime scene, "you can\'t be in two places at one."


However, Cofer refuses to say where Armstrong was.\\xa0


Joining Nancy Grace Today:

  • Matthew Mangino - Attorney, Former District Attorney (Lawrence County); Former Parole Board Member; Author: "The Executioner\'s Toll: The Crimes, Arrests, Trials, Appeals, Last Meals, Final Words and Executions of 46 Persons in the United States"\\xa0
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  • Dr. Shari Schwartz - Forensic Psychologist (specializing in Capital Mitigation and Victim Advocacy); Twitter: @TrialDoc; Author: "Criminal Behavior" and "Where Law and Psychology Intersect: Issues in Legal Psychology"
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  • Irv Brandt - Senior Inspector, US Marshals Service International Investigations Branch; Chief Inspector, DOJ Office of International Affairs; Country Attache, US Embassy Kingston, Jamaica; Author: "FLYING SOLO: Top of the World" available on Amazon; Twitter: @JackSoloAuthor
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  • Dr. Tim Gallagher - Medical Examiner, State of Florida; Lecturer: University of Florida Medical School Forensic Medicine; Founder/Host: International Forensic Medicine Death Investigation Conference
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  • Dave Mack - CrimeOnline Investigative Reporter
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