Published: April 5, 2023, 5 p.m.


Felicia LoAlbo-Melendez, 11, was being bullied in school. On top of this, she had just lost her father to pancreatic cancer.\\xa0


By all appearances, the little girl was handling it all as best she could. Felicia told her mother, teacher, and the school administrator about the bullying that she and other students were subjected to. In fact, she wrote emails suggesting solutions to the school, like a "Trauma Club" where bullied kids would have a safe place to what was going on.\\xa0


No one replied.\\xa0


Felicia then reminded the adults that there were laws in place to protect the children and that the school was "breaking the laws" by not taking action.\\xa0


Felicia LoAlbo-Melendez was found by another student in a bathroom stall. Her death was ruled a suicide.\\xa0


Joining Nancy Grace today:

  • Elaina LoAlbo - Victim\'s mother: Petition
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  • Cheryl Brown - Mother of McKenna Brown, bully victim\\xa0
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  • David Studdard - Spalding County, Ga. Assistant District Attorney, Former Police Officer\\xa0
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  • Caryn Stark - Psychologist; Twitter: @carnpsych
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  • Tom Ruskin - Private Investigator, President of the CMP Protective and Investigative Group, Inc.; Former New York City Police Detective Investigator; Twitter:\\xa0@tomruskin\\xa0\\xa0
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  • Nancy Willard, M.S., J.D - Embrace Civility LLC; Author: \\u201cEngage Students to Embrace Civility, Be Positively Powerful: A Guide for Teens on Achieving Resilience and Empowerment, and "Be Positively Powerful: Resilient When Things Get Tough;" Facebook: Be Positively Powerful\\xa0
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  • Dr. Kendall Crowns- Chief Medical Examiner in Tarrant County (Fort Worth); Lecturer: University of Texas Austin and Texas Christian University Medical School\\xa0
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  • Nicole Partin - Investigative Reporter; Twitter: @nicolepartin\\xa0
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