FSU student Maura Binkley gunned down in "HOT YOGA CLASS" by INCEL Perv

Published: July 3, 2019, 5 p.m.

b'Two shot and killed, four wounded, one pistol whipped... all at the hands of a self proclaimed "incel." Today, Nancy Grace and her guests take a deep look at the subculture of "involuntary celebate, " and its link to an increase in assaults on women. Our focus is a gunman\'s brutal attack on a Florida hot yoga studio. Joining our panel, Jeff Binkley, founder of Maura\'s Voice. His daughter Maura was one of those killed. Also with us:\\xa0Washington Post Opinion Columnist Christine Emba, Prosecutor Wendy Patrick, Former NYPD John Cardillo, and Psychoanalyst Dr. Bethany Marshall.'