'FOOTBALL-SIZED TUMOR' Scammer Won't Face Jail Time

Published: Nov. 11, 2023, 1:23 p.m.


Madison Russo told the world she was battling pancreatic cancer and had a tumor \\u201cthe size of a football."


It was all a lie.


After Russo bilked donors out of more than $37,000 through her posts on social media, some eagle-eyed medical professionals began questioning her diagnosis. The anonymous witnesses noticed inaccuracies in the photos she posted of herself and contacted authorities.


Russo is arrested and charged with first-degree theft. Now, under a plea deal, Russo gets a suspended sentence and stays out of jail\\xa0


Joining Nancy Grace today:

  • Kirby Clements- Attorney at Law, Author: "How to Keep Your A$$ Out of Jail;" Instagram: @kirbyclementsjr, Twitter: @kirbyesq\\xa0
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  • Dr. Shari Schwartz- Forensic Psychologist (Specializing in Capital Mitigation and Victim Advocacy); Author: "Criminal Behavior" and "Where Law and Psychology Intersect: Issues in Legal Psychology;" Twitter: @TrialDoc\\xa0\\xa0
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  • Greg Smith- Special Deputy Sheriff, Johnson County Sheriff\'s Office (Kansas), Executive Director of the Kelsey Smith Foundation
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  • Stefani Condon-Oldreive - Founder and Director of Craig\\u2019s Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society; Craig was her father, who passed away shortly after his diagnosis 16 years ago.\\xa0\\xa0\\n






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  • Dr. Tim Gallagher- Medical Examiner, State of Florida; Lecturer: University of Florida Medical School Forensic Medicine; Founder/Host: International Forensic Medicine Death Investigation Conference\\xa0\\xa0
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  • Kayla Brantley- Reporter, DailyMail.com; Twitter: @_KaylaBrantley, Instagram: @KaylaBrantley\\xa0
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