Published: June 26, 2023, 5 p.m.


Sarah Hartsfield has been indicted for first-degree murder in the death of her fifth husband, Joseph.\\xa0


He died of complications of the toxic effects of insulin. Sarah Hartsfield calls 911 after getting no response from her diabetic husband. Hartsfield had been sleeping in another room, coping with her own health issues from a recent surgery, when she says her husband\'s diabetes monitor went off.\\xa0


At the hospital, Joseph Hartsfield\'s sugar levels should have responded to treatment but didn\'t. Hospital staff found that strange and reported suspicions to the police. An investigation revealed that Hartsfield wasn\'t the first of Sarah Hartsfield\'s romantic involvements to die, and then police learn of threats to others.\\xa0


Sarah Hartsfield shot and killed her former fianc\\xe9 David Bragg in self-defense. Police are now re-examining the case.\\xa0


Hartsfield has pleaded not guilty to the murder charge and is being held in lieu of $4.5 million bond.


Joining Nancy Grace Today:

  • Sarah Ford - Legal Director, South Carolina Victim Assistance Network; Facebook: "SCVAN Legal Services Program;" Former Prosecutor (focusing on crimes against women and children); Host of Palmetto Primetime; Twitter: @Sarahafordesq\\xa0\\xa0
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  • Dr. Shari Schwartz - Forensic Psychologist (specializing in Capital Mitigation and Victim Advocacy); Twitter: @TrialDoc; Author: "Criminal Behavior" and "Where Law and Psychology Intersect: Issues in Legal Psychology"
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  • Jason Jensen - Private Investigator (Jensen Private Investigations), Cold Case Expert (Salt Lake City, UT), and Co-founder: "Cold Case Coalition;" Investigations; Twitter: @JasonJPI, Facebook/Instagram: "Jensen Investigations"
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  • Dr. Kendall Crowns - Chief Medical Examiner Tarrant County (Ft Worth), Lecturer: University of Texas Austin and Texas Christian University Medical School
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  • Bryce Newberry - Reporter for KPRC 2 in Houston; Twitter: @Bryce_Newberry
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