Did teen kill mom over a bad grade? PLUS: Thousand Oaks shooter's bizarre criticism of response to other US massacres

Published: Nov. 9, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

b"A\\xa0Florida teen allegedly strangled his mother and buried her under a church fire pit over a poor report card grade. Nancy Grace looks at the case against 15-year-old Gregory Ramos, charged in the murder of mother Gail Cleavenger. Nancy's experts include\\xa0forensics expert\\xa0Joseph Scott Morgan, North Carolina\\xa0lawyer\\xa0Kathleen Murphy,\\xa0forensic psychiatrist\\xa0Dr. Daniel Bober,\\xa0Atlanta lawyer\\xa0Penny Douglas-Furr, and reporter\\xa0Nicole Partin. Nancy also updates the investigation into what led to the Thousand Oaks bar massacre. The former marine who killed a dozen people, including a sheriff's deputy, posted a Facebook message before he opened fire on the crowd at Borderline Bar and Grill\\xa0in which he appears critical of responses to previous mass shootings in the U.S."