Decomposing baby boy found hanging dead in baby swing as child actor claims Hollywood pedophile ring

Published: Oct. 30, 2017, 5 p.m.

b'A couple faces murder charges after their infant son was found rotting in a swing in their Utah home. Nancy Grace is looks at the case with psychologist\\xa0Dr. Tiffany Sanders,\\xa0forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan,\\xa0 reporter\\xa0Shelby Lynn, and co-host Alan Duke. Corey Feldman wants fans to give him $10 million so he can make a movie exposing what he claims is a long-running pedophile ring in Hollywood. Grace and experts discuss the former child actor\'s claims. RadarOnline reporter\\xa0Alexis Tereszcuk joins Nancy to talk about how "Hot Felon" Jeremy Meeks is hitting Hollywood.'