DEAD IN WALMART: Grandmother of teen girl stabbed dead in aisle speaks to Nancy

Published: Feb. 12, 2021, 6 p.m.

b'Melanie Lyons\' grandmother says the four girls charged in her granddaughter\'s stabbing were looking to fight the 15-year-old\'s sister. The four girls (a 12-year-old, two 13-year-olds, and a 14-year old) have been arrested. One of the girls is charged with second-degree murder and the other three are charged with principal to second-degree murder.\\n\\nFootage of the stabbing, which was posted on Facebook and Instagram live, shows one girl armed with what appeared to be a knife as the victim approaches and lunges at her.\\xa0Video shows the group of girls fleeing the store in a getaway car as one of them screams, \\u201cJust stabbed somebody at Walmart.\\u201d\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace today:Yolanda\\xa0Lemonia\\xa0- Grandmother of VictimWendy\\xa0Patrick - California prosecutor, author \\u201cRed Flags\\u201d \'Today with\\xa0Dr.\\xa0Wendy\' on\\xa0KCBQ in San DiegoDr. Jenn Mann - Marriage and Family Therapist, Host \'Couples Therapy\' on VH1, "The Dr. Jenn Show\\u201d on Sirius XM, Author: "The Relationship Fix."\\xa0Robert Crispin - Private Investigator \\u201cCrispin Special Investigations\\u201d\\xa0www.crispinsinvestigations.comDr. Tim Gallagher\\xa0- Medical Examiner State of Florida www.pathcaremed.comPhil Chalmers - True crime writer, Counter Homicide Trainer, Criminal Profiler, Author: \\u201cInside the Mind of a Teen Killer\\u201d and \\u201cThe Teen Killer Whisperer.\\u201d\\xa0Stephanie Pagones - Digital Reporter, FOX Business & Fox News, @steph_pagones,'