Daughter Pushes for Murder Charges Against Dad After Mom of 8 Drowns in Bathtub

Published: Oct. 8, 2021, 5 p.m.

b'Michele MacNeill is home recovering from cosmetic surgery when she is found dead in the bathtub. Originally, her death was ruled an accident, but daughter Alexis, a medical student, wasn\'t convinced. Before her death, Michele MacNeill confided in her daughter that she thought her doctor husband was over-medicating her. \\n\\nAt her husband\'s request, the operating surgeon prescribed four drugs, he would not normally give his patients. Two of the drugs were Diazepam and Oxycodone. Alexis took over administering her mother\'s meds. When Michelle seems on the mend, Alexis returns to med school. \\n\\nThe next day, her mother is found by a younger sister; she was dead in the bathtub. The autopsy report concluded that Michele died of cardiovascular disease but Alexis had other suspicions, compounded by a comment made by her mother... " If anything happens to me, make sure it\'s not your father."\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace Today:\\n\\nDale Carson - Criminal Defense Attorney (Jacksonville), Former FBI Agent, Former Police Officer, Author: "Arrest-Proof Yourself,\\xa0DaleCarsonLaw.com\\n\\nDr.\\xa0Shari\\xa0Schwartz - Forensic Psychologist (specializing in Capital Mitigation and Victim Advocacy), www.panthermitigation.com, Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrialDoc, Author: "Criminal Behavior" and "Where Law and Psychology Intersect: Issues in Legal Psychology"\\n\\nDr. Michelle\\xa0Dupre\\xa0- Forensic Pathologist and former Medical Examiner, Author: \\u201cHomicide Investigation Field Guide\\u201d & "Investigating Child\\xa0Abuse Field Guide", Former Police Detective Lexington County Sheriff\\u2019s Department www.DMichelleDupreMD.com\\n\\nJustin\\xa0Boardman\\xa0- Former Special Victim\'s Unit Detective, West Valley City (Utah), Author: "I Was Wrong: An Investigator\'s Battle-cry for Change Withing the Special Victims Unit", JustinBoardman.com, Twitter: @boardman_train\\n\\nConnor Richards - Freelance Reporter (Utah County, Utah), Twitter: @crichards1995 connorrichardsmedia.wordpress.com'