Dad Tells Daughter 'Mommy's in Mental Hospital,' But No Trace of Mom

Published: July 15, 2022, 5 p.m.


Ellie and Angela Green were like many mothers and daughters. Sometimes they argued.\\xa0


Ellie Green had just returned from Italy, after studying abroad. That\\u2019s when the argument happens. Ellie stays with her boyfriend\'s family for a few days, and with no word from her mother,\\xa0 Ellie texts her father.\\xa0


Geoffrey Green\\u2019s reply says Angela has been committed to a psychiatric hospital and asks Ellie not to visit yet.\\xa0 Over the next three weeks, Geoffrey Green shares no information about Angela Green\\u2019s treatment.


Then, on July 16, Green shows up at the home Ellie shares with her boyfriend and his family with news that Angela has died of a stroke in the hospital.\\xa0 He asks Ellie not to tell Angela\\u2019s family, who lives in New York.\\xa0


He will do that, just not yet.\\xa0


Months passed and no funeral service was planned, no obituary was published, and no one informed Angela\'s family of her passing.\\xa0


When they ask for a copy of Angela Green\\u2019s death certificate. Ellie goes herself, to the records office to get it. There isn\'t one... in the entire state of Kansas.\\xa0\\xa0


Joining Nancy Grace Today:

  • Dale Carson - High Profile Attorney (Jacksonville), Former FBI Agent, Former Police Officer, Author: "Arrest-Proof Yourself,\\xa0
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  • Caryn Stark - NYC Psychologist,, Twitter: @carynpsych, Facebook: "Caryn Stark"\\xa0\\xa0
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  • Dan Corsentino - Former Police Chief, Former Sheriff, Served on US Homeland Security Senior Advisory Board, Private Investigator\\xa0\\xa0
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  • Mary Henn - Associate Editor, Kansas City Magazine, Essay: \\u2018Where Is Angela Green?", Instagram: @kansascitymagazine
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