Published: Dec. 14, 2023, 7 p.m.


As Lori Vallow Daybell stands trial for the murder of two of her children, JJ and Tylee, prosecutors in Arizona take another look at Charles Vallow\'s death.


On the morning of July 11, Charles Vallow goes to Lori\\u2019s rental home in Chandler, Arizona, to pick up JJ for school. \\xa0Alex Cox, Lori\\u2019s brother, is also there. Within an hour, Vallow is lying in a pool of blood, shot by Alex Cox. Cox claims self-defense and is not charged.


In June 2021, a Maricopa County Grand Jury charged Lori Vallow with one count of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, in the death of Charles Vallow. Then, another indictment is unsealed. Lori Vallow Daybell is facing a second conspiracy to commit murder charge for allegedly trying to kill Brandon Boudreaux, her niece\'s ex-husband.


Joining Nancy Grace Today:

  • Rex Conner- Lori Vallow Daybell\\u2019s Uncle & Co-host of the podcast \\u201cTylee and JJs Silver Linings;\\u201d Author: \\u201cLori\\u2019s Lies and Family Ties: Healing from the Tyle and J.J. Tragedy\\u201d
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  • Kirk Nurmi- Legal Analyst and Former Lead Counsel to Jodi Arias (Mesa, AZ); Author of \\u201cTrapped with Ms. Arias;\\u201d Twitter/Instagram: @nurmiunchained
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  • Caryn L. Stark\\xa0\\u2013 NYC Psychologist, Trauma and Crime Expert; Twitter: @carynpsych, Facebook: \\u201cCaryn Stark\\u201d
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  • Rich Robertson\\xa0\\u2013 Arizona-based Private Investigator for Brandon Boudreaux and Larry & Kay Woodcock; Owner of R3 Investigations\\xa0
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  • Dr. Todd M. Barr, M.D. \\u2013 Deputy Medical Examiner/Forensic Pathologist at Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner\\u2019s Office (Cleveland OH)\\xa0
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  • Nate Eaton \\u2013 News Director/Reporter for East Idaho News; Twitter: @NateNewsNow, Instagram: @n.eaton
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