Published: June 28, 2023, 5 p.m.


A terrifying find by a Texas man cutting grass: a suitcase with baby clothes, pampers, and the remains of a little girl, inside.\\xa0


Forensic testing identifies the girl as a 2 to 5-year-old. The tot\'s body is underdeveloped, and medical supplies with the body indicated she suffered from a serious medical condition.


The remains were recovered in Texas, but pollen found on the belongings points to somewhere further west. The hope is that the pollen, medical equipment and sketches will help unravel who she is and what happened to her.\\xa0


Joining Nancy Grace Today:

  • Irv Miller-\\xa0Criminal Defense Attorney, The Miller Firm, Legal Analyst: CBS2 Chicago WBBM-TV and legal technical advisor to \\u201cTHE GOOD WIFE\\u201d and \\u201cTHE GOOD FIGHT\\u201d-CBS productions
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  • Dr. Carla Manly - Clinical Psychologist, Author of \\u201cDate Smart: Transform Your Relationships & Love Fearlessly\\u201d\\xa0
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  • Dorian Bond - Former Detective in Arizona, Private Detective and Owner of Bond Investigations Inc. in Dallas, TX, (largest African American-owned private investigative firm in the United States); Twitter:@bondinvestigate
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  • Dr. Tim Gallagher - Medical Examiner State of Florida; Lecturer, University of Florida Medical School Forensic Medicine; Founder/Host: International Forensic Medicine Death Investigation Conference\\xa0\\xa0
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  • Daphne Young - National Chief Communications Officer, Child Help,\\\\xa0
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  • William Johnson - Arizona KAGS News Anchor; Twitter: @Willjohnsonnews
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